"I think this is an important moment for free speech and I'd like to think this will result in a court saying you can't fire ...
Former Chancellor Joe Gow was dismissed from his position at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and had his tenure as a ...
Former University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow wants his tenured teaching back, and he's suing to that end. Gow ...
Former University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow is suing the Universities of Wisconsin after being fired from his ...
Gow was fired as chancellor, and later as a faculty member, after Universities of Wisconsin officials discovered he had been ...
A former chancellor who was fired after regents learned he was producing pornography is suing the University of Wisconsin.
In a case that sits squarely at the intersection of his business and political interests, President Donald Trump is trying to ...
Joe Gow filed a federal lawsuit on Monday, which is also the first day of the spring semester at UW-La Crosse. He argues that ...
The former University of Wisconsin-La Crosse chancellor fired over pornography he made with his wife is suing the university ...
Former University of Wisconsin-La Crosse chancellor Joe Gow launched a lawsuit against the UW System seeking the ...
Former UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow talks about the lawsuit he filed against the UW System Board of Regents, UW System ...
Former UWL Chancellor Joe Gow officially filed a federal lawsuit Monday to be reinstated as a professor at the university.