Springsteen had seen Fontayne perform with Lone Justice on Saturday Night Live years before, and was impressed. When the time ...
Bruce Springsteen has always confessed that he is a huge fan of Rolling Stones, but did you know one of their songs saved his career?
Stevie Van Zandt knows a thing or two about the music industry – from being the guitar slinger in the E Street Band, side by side with Bruce Springsteen ... to a time when players typically ...
Manfred Mann guitarist Chris Thompson recalls an awkward conversation with Bruce Springsteen following their cover of "Blinded by the Light." ...
Bruce Springsteen ... “Rebel Rouser,” popularized the low-end twangy guitar sound into the rock 'n' roll canon. “This is Bruce Springsteen coming to you from Cardiff, Wales,” said ...
The song caused their guitarist to quit, opening the door for Chris Thompson, who played guitar and sang on what became the ...