On Dec. 26, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul bowed to the activists’ demands by signing the Climate Change Superfund Act, which will force fossil fuel companies to pay an estimated $75 billion over 25 years ...
The lawsuit challenges a new law that mandates major energy producers to contribute $75 billion to a fund aimed at addressing ...
Environmental activists’ strategy of punishing fossil fuel companies at the local level suffers another defeat.
Twenty-two states are suing New York, contending that a new law forcing energy companies to pay $75 billion into a fund to ...
The movement to demand action on climate change took a new turn on October 14, 2022, the day that a pair of activists in ...
New York is being sued by a group of Republican attorneys general over a law requiring fossil fuel companies to pony up money to the state ...
West Virginia Attorney General JB McCuskey said Thursday he is leading a coalition of 22 attorneys general in a lawsuit ...
This day of lobbying Jan. 22 was organized by NY Renews, a coalition of environmental, justice, labor and faith groups and featured volunteers from around New York state. The main topics for ...
The movement to demand action on climate change took a new turn on October 14, 2022, the day that a pair of activists in London’s National Gallery tossed tomato soup at the glass in front of ...
The priorities of climate activists from around New York state included the NY HEAT Act and guidelines for cap-and-invest.
One-by-one more than a dozen people exit the warmth of the cars and climb on the tour bus at 6 a.m., the beginning of a long day spent rallying and lobbying state elected officials in Albany on ...