You can barely see the road from the heat coming off it … you reach down between your legs and ease the seat back … to get ...
David Lee Roth’s The Warner Recordings 1985-1994 debuts on two U.K. charts, marking his first solo appearance on the Official ...
What would be totally ridiculous and would grab everyone’s interest? I said, ‘I’m going to make my guitar talk!’”: When Steve ...
Why David Lee Roth Told Eddie Van Halen to Play Fewer Solos Alex Van Halen says singer’s out-of-control jealousy led to his departure from the band in 1985. Martin Kielty ...
5150' Best Post Van Halen Split Album - 'Eat 'Em and Smile' vs. '5150' After David Lee Roth's Van Halen exit, which artist had the better post-split album. Vote for either Roth's 'Eat 'Em and ...