These sites held proof that hominins methodically and repeatedly manufactured stone artifacts much before what was believed, as per LiveScience. The recently examined collection of obsidian tools ...
Blade cores provided a portable source of stone or obsidian for manufacturing different kinds of tools by flaking off pieces from the core. The basis of many Upper Paleolithic tool forms from both ...
Obsidian blades unearthed from Easter Island ... Through analysis of starch residues on stone tools recovered from the Anakena site, dated between A.D. 1000–1300, the study offers unprecedented ...
In order to make these very sharp flake tools, special kinds of stone had to be found. Usually basalt, chert and especially obsidian (the black glassy rock) were used because of the ability of the ...
Blade cores provided a portable source of stone or obsidian for manufacturing different kinds of tools by flaking off pieces from the core. The basis of many Upper Paleolithic tool forms from both ...