Matt Reeves' 'The Batman' trilogy gets a much-needed clarification from DC Studios as they confirmed it takes place under the ...
The Batman Part IImay be a long time away from hitting theaters after its postponement to late 2027, but work has already ...
Riddler grew up in an orphanage after Thomas Wayne’s actions led to Elliot’s death, raising the possibility that Elliot was ...
A s James Gunn's DCU takes shape this year, starting with Superman, most comic book fans are gearing up for what some of our ...
Fans of Matt Reeves ’ The Batman have been wondering why it’s taking so long to get The Batman: Part II , and Robert ...
Robert Pattinson shared in a recent interview that he is worried he’ll be too "old" to play Batman in the anticipated movie ...
It seems the original plan for Clayface was for the shape-shifting villain to be the main antagonist of Matt Reeves' The ...
These are the best virtual adaptations of Batman's extensive rogues gallery, featuring villains from his many decades in the ...
After facing multiple delays, hype for The Batman 2 has reached an all-time high, putting pressure on Matt Reeves and Robert ...
W e’re just a few months away from the big screen debut of the new DC Universe with James Gunn’s upcoming Superman movie.
The actor, who portrayed the Dark Knight in Matt Reeves ‘ 2022 blockbuster The Batman, recently touched on the status of ...