Neither of the Legislature's voucher bills require private schools to accept certain students, which some warn could block ...
House Speaker Dustin Burrows sits down with FOX 7's Rudy Koski to talk about property tax cuts, school choice and the future ...
Researchers at Texas State share the results of a survey of Texas voters, showing most favor a version of school choice that ...
SB 13 would create school library advisory councils largely made up of parents. It would give school boards, rather than ...
It would expand the state's current mail theft statute, adding a specific offense for stealing mail keys or mailbox locks.
Victoria Mayor Duane Crocker announced Thursday that he will endorse Senate Bill 2361, a bill filed on Wednesday by two Texas ...
SB 17, authored by Republican State Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, said the goal is to protect national security and prevent foreign ...
Under Senate Bill 21, the Texas Comptroller would be able to invest state funds in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
By empowering parents, we can ensure the Texas Constitution’s assertion that the purpose of education is to preserve the ...