It was a celebration characteristic of Grijalva, a man near-peerless among Arizona political figures for the old-school, grassroots web of devotees that he built, and which, those devotees say, will ...
Elon Musk's promise to hand out million-dollar checks to voters is clearly against Wisconsin law. But do you think he'll do any time for it?
The founder of Phoenix-based truckmaker Nikola Corp. was pardoned by President Trump this week after serving about a year in prison for securities fraud.
Musk took to X to announce that "Scott A." from Green Bay had won the sum for signing Musk's "Petition In Opposition To Activist Judges." ...
The Phoenix Suns have nine games left in the regular season as they face the Minnesota Timberwolves on Friday at Target ...
Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes thinks Cochise County is breaking Arizona law by trying to set aside the election results.
Rep. Walt Blackman and Sen. Wendy Rogers exchanged insults and accusations after Rogers canceled a scheduled hearing for Blackman's stolen valor bill.
Clean-burning cars were at the center of Arizona's infamous "alt-fuels fiasco" of the early 2000s, a nine-figure budget debacle sparked when Arizona legislators wildly miscalculated how popular an ...
The IRS no longer will issue paper checks or take payments by check under an order from President Trump. The aim is to boost ...
In the latest episode of her podcast, "Not Gonna Lie," Kylie Kelce called out those who dismissed cesarean births.
Police were dispatched to the home near Indian Bend and Via De La Sendera for a welfare check after one of the residents did ...
Earlier this month, On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after closing dozens of ...