Multiple threatening messages began circulating online after a 17-year-old student walked into Antioch High School’s cafeteria and shot two fellow students, killing one of them, on Wednesday. The latest was an online post threatening to shoot up six Nashville-area middle schools.
As 31-year-old Travis Garland walked into the Gordon Jewish Community Center in Nashville at about 7:45 p.m. Jan. 13, he was stopped by a front desk staff person who noticed him holding a phone up to look like he was recording, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department said in a Jan. 16 news release.
Police initially believed the shooting was targeted and the family sued, seeking more information years later.
A student shot at least two other students Wednesday at Antioch High School outside Nashville, Tennessee, police said. The shooter then shot himself, according to police.
New details have come to light about the firearm used in the High School student who walked into the Antioch High School Cafeteria before opening fire, killing one student and injuring another, before turning the gun on himself,
Police are on the scene at Antioch High School near Nashville after shots were fired in the building on Wednesday.
A student shot at least two other students Wednesday at Antioch High School outside Nashville, Tennessee, police said. The shooter then shot himself, according to police.
Tennessee, high school has been identified. Metropolitan Nashville police identified 17-year-old Solomon Henderson as the shooter at Antioch High School. Henderson, who was an active student at ...
The deadly shooting is the latest to rock the Nashville community nearly two years after another school massacre sparked a debate for gun reform.
Two people were shot and the shooter turned the gun on himself at Nashville's Antioch High School, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department.
Investigators say the now-deceased gunman who opened fire at a Nashville, Tennessee ... On Wednesday, Metropolitan Nashville police identified 17-year-old Solomon Henderson as the shooter at ...