As humanity’s understanding of God’s law grew, so did the moral and social framework surrounding marriage and family life.
Since then, Jesus has not wept again despite humanity’s continuing misbehaviour since He left. Jesus has not wept since ...
Manchester United's transfer window looks like it's finally coming to life with the imminent arrival of left wingback Patrick ...
Let me take you along to Copenhagen Airport (EKCH) located in Denmark, Scandinavia. The super green and happy, bike friendly ...
Religious dogma clashed with early science, but fossils and discoveries reshaped humanity’s understanding of Earth’s history.
Legislation to create school vouchers in Texas would send taxpayer money to private schools that teach anti-science ideas.
Only here does God first stop and declare his intention ... I picked this work because I want to see in Adam humanity-at-large, where man is presented as awaiting God’s enlivening touch.
156 500 Against this doctrine the objection is sometimes raised that the Bible mentions ... he is the New Adam, who inaugurates the new creation: "The first man was from the earth, a man of ...
Speaking truth to power has almost become radical chic. Noam Chomsky and Arundhati Roy have argued that ignorance has no part in why the powerful do what they do. Their critique needs a slight nuance ...
When it comes to understanding suffering, as well as death, the first thing that must be mentioned ... the consequences of those actions: the man who lies, cheats and steals and gets away with ...
As a poor Jewish man, the real Jesus would have not had a ... The “J” in “Jesus” would not be added until 1,500 years after his head. Adam Ján Figeľ – “In the ancient ...