It’s only February, but my pick for the Worst Biopharma CEO of 2025 has already been decided: Albert Bourla of Pfizer. Pfizer’s decision to hire Patrizia Cavazzoni, a former top drug ...
At a White House event Thursday, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla faced boos when introduced by Trump, an episode that quickly generated buzz across the Potomac at National Harbor where CPAC was meeting.
Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla was loudly booed during a White House Black History Month event. An introduction by President Donald Trump resulted in a less-than-enthusiastic welcome for Bourla as ...
The sound of the gold chain dangling from his neck clinks and clanks as he shifts ... But another guest - Albert Bourla, the chief executive of pharmaceutical company Pfizer - is met by a chorus ...
Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla and chair of the PhRMA Board of Directors Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla and chair of the PhRMA Board of ...
Pfiz­er CEO Al­bert Bourla said its man­u­fac­tur­ing busi­ness could be vul­ner­a­ble to Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s tar­iffs in Eu­rope as the phar­ma gi­ant has “sig­nif ...
Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, joins CNBC's Angelica Peebles and 'Closing Bell Overtime' to talk the impact of tariffs, Pfizer's drug pipeline, vaccines and more. Former Vice President Kamala Harris ...