When you start up a new game in Avowed, you're given some choices that seem extremely meaningful, and thus, are kind of scary to make. Specifically, you choose a fictional background for your ...
Your Background choice matters in some very specific ways in Avowed — here's what you need to know (Image via Obsidian Entertainment) Avowed allows players to customize their character in a few ...
Knowing the best Background for you in Avowed is a great way to begin crafting your ideal build as each one has a pre-set Attribute Point allocation that aligns to one or more of the Skill Trees.
Backgrounds in Avowed are a lot less restrictive compared to other RPGs, and although that is beneficial in some ways, it's detrimental in others.
Why can't you romance companions in Avowed like you can in seemingly ever other role-playing game? We ask Obsidian and the ...
When you start playing Obsidian's Avowed, one of the first things you do is create a character. This involves choosing a background, which might seem like a small choice, since there are just five ...
As mentioned, each of the five backgrounds in Avowed come with their own starting weapon (which can’t be changed) and starting attribute allocations (which can be changed). Below, we’ll give ...
There are five Backgrounds to choose from in Avowed. Each provides some unique dialogue options and assigns a starting weapon. However, each Background can use all equipment and abilities.
Like any good RPG, especially one from the wizards over at Obsidian, you have the opportunity to choose your starting background at the very beginning of Avowed. It roughly translates to a ...
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