How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
Ice accident at Beaver Dam Lake results in death and near-drowning of two 20-year-olds; one rescued, and the other's body was recovered by divers using a remote operated vehicle.
A man died after falling through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake in Greene County on Saturday. Per a release, the Greene County Sheriff’s Office received a report that indicated two men had fallen through ...
At 6:04 p.m. Saturday, a Jasonville Police Department officer arrived on the scene, rescuing Cordell A. Foster, 20, using a rope throw bag. It was discovered that a second victim, Justin D. Sprang, 20 ...
An ice fishing outing with tip-ups yields good catches of largemouth bass and northern pike and provides plenty of fun for ...
A man died after falling through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake in Greene County ... Police Officer arrived at the lake — which is located within Hillenbrand Fish and Wildlife Area — at ...
Waupun Fire Department and assisting crews worked on the brush fire in town of Chester for most of the afternoon March 12.
At 5:57 p.m. Saturday, The Greene County Sheriff’s Department received a call stating that two men fell through ice on Beaver Dam Lake in Hillenbrand Fish and Wildlife Area. At 6:04 p.m ...
Two men fell through the ice at Beaver Dam Lake late Sunday afternoon. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources reported that one man was rescued, while the other never resurfaced. In a separate ...
Saturday evening, two men fell through the ice into Beaver Dam Lake at Hillenbrand Fish and Wildlife Area, according to a news release from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Jasonville ...