In a recent radio interview, Tom Morello said he was “honored” to be asked to serve as musical director of Black Sabbath’s farewell concert, and revealed plans for a special performance at the event.
No, I did not score Black Sabbath tickets. I certainly tried – say what you will about the insanely inflated prices, the band ...
As well, we know that Christ’s resurrection points ahead to the resurrection of the body of all humanity on the last day (cf. Philippians 3:21). Sunday is thus distinguished from the Sabbath in ...
According to the booklet, one "mark of the beast" is not observing the Sabbath on Saturday ... this occurred very early - well before the time of Emperor Constantine in the fourth century.
“Wishing you and your family good health, prosperity and endless joy throughout the year,” said Dr Wee. “May the Year of the Snake bring boundless opportunities and ‘slithering’ success ...
Bismuth sulfide is black, and as it passes through your digestive black, it can turn your stool black as well. This reaction is more likely to happen if you have recently eaten a lot of sulfur-rich ...