Springsteen had seen Fontayne perform with Lone Justice on Saturday Night Live years before, and was impressed. When the time ...
Born To Run' is still very much considered a Bruce Springsteen classic, but it almost never saw the light of day as The Boss was sick of it before it came out.
Bob Dylan played a colossal role in influencing New Jersey songwriter Bruce Springsteen, and his 1967 album 'John Wesley Harding' remains a notable favourite.
When Bruce Springsteen fell into his first major depression, he used the hard times as fuel for one of his masterpiece albums, channelling it into his work.
Here, you'll find the eight matchups that make up Round 3. Voting continues through 11:59 p.m. Thursday, March 13.
Bruce Springsteen's hard-launch record label party was not met with applause, rather, it was met with a near-fatal heart attack.
Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising" advances to the ... The song was the title track from the 2002 album of the same name, which both served as a cathartic reflection of 9/11, and a statement of ...