CGTN published an article on the second anniversary of China's Global Civilization Initiative proposed by Chinese President ...
Civilization 7 players are set to see new leaders and civilizations in the game as well as a host of UI and gameplay updates.
Civilization VII features a variety of crises throughout each age, including a full-on invasion, a war of religion, and the ...
As you begin to step beyond your boundaries and expand your empire in Civilization VII, you’ll note that investing in a ...
Firaxias has released Civilization 7 Update 1.000.005 on PS5, though it's not really a major patch that brings any gameplay ...
Check out our top 5 picks for the best Modern Age Leader and Civilization combinations in Civ 7, featuring various win ...
Culture journalist Anne Victoria Clark reviews the video game, and explains why she's surprised that players still can't ...
Are you wondering what Civs to pick as Ada Lovelace? Here are the best Civs in each Age for Ada Lovelace in Civ ...
In Civilization 7, Explorers are used to find artifacts to progress the Cultural victory condition and here is how to use them.
Get free accounts and keys for The Universim on Steam. Easy tips to access the game without having to spend money!
PS5 owners have been plagued with countless technical issues and bugs in Civ 7; in some cases, they're getting refunds.