QR Code pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Denso Wave, sebuah anak perusahaan Toyota, pada tahun 1994. Teknologi ini diciptakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam pelacakan suku cadang otomotif selama pro ...
Selain meningkatkan ibadah, banyak orang juga mencari cara untuk menyemarakkan suasana Ramadhan, salah satunya dengan menggunakan poster bertema Ramadhan. Poster ini bisa digunakan untuk berbagai ...
One increasingly popular approach is vishing, or voice phishing. Here, the attacker tricks someone into sharing account credentials or other information through a simple phone call. According to ...
Pelajari cara mempersingkat link dengan mudah menggunakan berbagai layanan pemendek URL gratis. Tingkatkan efektivitas tautan ...
An active campaign from a threat actor potentially linked to Russia is targeting Microsoft 365 accounts of individuals at organizations of interest using device code phishing. The targets are in ...
Researchers have uncovered a sustained and ongoing campaign by Russian spies that uses a clever phishing technique to hijack Microsoft 365 accounts belonging to a wide range of targets ...
These methods range from phone scams to phishing links and now include targeted campaigns against Netflix users through deceptive emails. As reported by the Mirror, a new phishing scam targets ...
Fresh off their first Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nomination, Phish has announced a sprawling summer 2025 tour that will keep them on the road throughout June and July. The summer trek begins on ...