Monkeys infected with Ebola can be cured with a pill, according to a new study out yesterday that could pave the way for more ...
Monkeys infected with Ebola can be cured with a pill, according to a new study out Friday that could pave the way for more practical ...
The Ebola virus disease outbreak now ravaging parts of West Africa is the largest on record. In fact, West Africa has seen more cases of the disease in 2014 than have been seen in all other ...
At the time, Wolfgang Petersen’s 'Outbreak' was too farfetched to seem true. Now, it just seems eerily prescient.
Symptoms show up 2 to 21 days after being exposed to Ebola. The average is 8-10 days. Symptoms are: Fever. Fever is usually the first symptom. Stomach pain, vomiting or diarrhea. Severe headache, ...