Balart, a Cuban-American Republican politician who defended immigrants and fiercely opposed Fidel Castro’s regime to help ...
"[He] was the conscience of the community and a great deal-maker and strategist," said the attorney's friend Marcell Felipe.
The Florida scion of an anti-communist political family, he served in the House for 18 years at a time when Cuban Americans ...
Former Florida congressman and brother to Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart is dead at 70. The Republican opposed Fidel Castro's regime.
His father served in the Cuban congress, as did a grandfather and an uncle, and held an appointment under President Fulgencio Batista before Fidel Castro toppled ... include his wife of 48 years ...
She was the mother of Castro’s eldest son, the late Fidel Castro Díaz ... and the world is better for his efforts against it.” Díaz-Balart is survived by his wife, Cristina, his son Daniel ...
Former Miami Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart died Monday, according to a statement released by his family. He was 70. Lincoln Diaz-Balart had been diagnosed ...
Forced into exile as a boy, the Florida Republican became a voice for democracy in his native Cuba and a committed champion ...
Castro went to a Jesuit high school in Havana, Belén, and was taught by Spanish priests. They were excellent teachers, and ...
Balart, who served in the Florida House, the Florida Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives, died on Monday, according ...