It begins with a little-known fact. There was a time when there were not three paragraphs in the prayer we call the Shema, but four. The Mishnah in Tamid (5:1) tells us that in Temple times the ...
Grand Rapids Covenant Christian entered Wednesday’s Division 2 district semifinal against Allendale with the better record, higher ranking and bigger lineup. But one factor that can’t be quantified is ...
The Cadott School District has released the high school first semester honor roll for the 2024-25 academic year. The Cadott Scholastic Honor Roll is based on a 4-point system. To be on the High Honor ...
Some prospects shy away from comparing themselves to the game’s current stars. Not Shotaro Morii. If you ask him, he will ...
We are touching history—not as something distant, something remembered, but as something unfolding beneath our feet.
Because when a mother and her children are stolen from their home and returned in death, we do not look away.