Route 66 Jiu Jitsu of Williams brought 10 members, four adults and six kids, from their competition team to Phoenix to test ...
After implementing a new police Jiu-Jitsu training program, the Mesa Police Department said it has increased safety for suspects and officers when force is used.
POOLER, Ga. (WTOC) - A gym in Pooler is offering free Jiu Jitsu classes to help teenage girls struggling with mental ...
At 85 and 86 respectively, Scott Penly and Myles Klein are proving that age is no barrier to achieving martial<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
The Trump administration sent three illegal immigrants back to their home country of Venezuela in response to a judge's decision blocking them from being sent to Guantánamo Bay as part of a ...
Get better with age—master the timeless principles of jiu-jitsu that keep you sharp and effective, year after year ...
Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan shared on Instagram that Mike Tyson is training for the July 20 bout at Keenan's jiu jitsu ...
Triumf, o jakém snil přes čtyři roky. Eldar Rafigaev vyhrál mistrovství světa v brazilském jiu jitsu. „To, co tady Eldar dokázal, je neuvěřitelný. Porazil dokonce ve finále Brazilce,“ hodnotil nadšeně ...
Češi válí v brazilském jiu jitsu. Před týdnem získali šest zlatých medailí na šampionátu v Madridu a poslední listopadový víkend odjeli posbírat cenné kovy na prestižní mezinárodní turnaj v Paříži.