Howlers are New World monkeys found in tropical Central and South America. They are aptly named for their cacophonous cries. When a number of howlers let loose their lungs in concert, often at ...
Primates in this class are known as New World monkeys, are arboreal, and have relatively small bodies. They range from pygmy ...
They have common characteristics, usually including tails that help distinguish them from some other primates, but with more than 250 recognized species, they’re a diverse group. Just take a look.
The role of body-size variation as a "line of least evolutionary resistance" has been documented in both Old and New World monkeys (Figure 2). In these cases, diversification of cranial form ...
Hamrick, M. W. Functional and adaptive significance of primate pads and claws: evidence for New World anthropoids. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 106, 113-127 (1998). Hamrick ...
In the wild, Old World primates live in coherent troops. Housing them in groups rather than in single cages is therefore the ideal way to account for their social disposition (Figure 3). The risk of ...