The newly-elected president, his administration, and his political allies have conducted a rapid series of attacks on press freedom that amount to a monumental assault on freedom of information.
Harry Potter star Emma Watson is aiming to become a Doctor of Philosophy after starting a DPhil (PhD) at Oxford University. The actress played Hogwarts witch Hermione Granger in all eight films of ...
Tributes have been paid to a “joyful” Oxford University student after police found a body in the city over the weekend. Benedict, known as Ben, was last seen in the city at the junction of ...
Oxford University Press, a department of the University of Oxford, has appointed Sukanta Das as the Managing Director of its India branch, with regional responsibilities extending to Sri Lanka ...
The annual Times Higher Education (THE) world reputation rankings revealed there were 10 Australian universities in the top 300 universities ranked, with The University of Melbourne coming in at ...