When the IBM PC was new, I served as the president of the San Francisco PC User Group for three years. That’s how I met PCMag’s editorial team, who brought me on board in 1986. In the years ...
Phishing takes advantage of the weakest link in any organization’s cybersecurity system — human behavior. Phishing attacks are generally launched via email, although some opening salvos have ...
Wie kann man sich schützen? Die Masche wird Phishing genannt - das Kunstwort leitet sich von den englischen Begriffen "password harvesting" (Passwörter ernten) und "fishing" (Angeln) ab.
Microsoft alerted Microsoft 365 admins that the phishing alert features will reach all users by mid-February, as Bleeping Computer reports. The new feature will be enabled by default and alert ...
Microsoft Teams is finally introducing a phishing alert function The feature will be generally available in mid-February 2025 Hackers have been abusing external comms to hit organizations with ...
He said: "Someone just tried the most sophisticated phishing attack I've ever seen. I almost fell for it. My mind is a little blown." The scammers called Latta, who's based in Vermont, USA, claiming ...
Once enabled, it will display alerts when detecting phishing attacks targeting organizations that have enabled external Teams access (which allows threat actors to message any user from external ...
A newly uncovered phishing campaign is targeting mobile users with advanced social engineering tactics and malicious PDF files designed to compromise sensitive data. The campaign, which impersonates ...
A new version of the phishing kit Tycoon 2FA, which uses advanced tactics to bypass multi factor authentication (MFA) and evade detection, has been analyzed by threat researchers at Barracuda. Tycoon ...
In E-Mail-Postfächern mit den Endungen @t-online.de und @magenta.de landen derzeit massenhaft von Kriminellen gefälschte E-Mails. Die Schreiben sind so gestaltet, dass sie den Eindruck erwecken ...
Ransomware gangs are increasingly adopting email bombing followed by posing as tech support in Microsoft Teams calls to trick employees into allowing remote control and install malware that ...
Diese stammt nicht vom Unternehmen, sondern von Betrügern. In der Phishing-Mail geht es um die Treuepunkte. Wir erklären euch, wie ihr solche Mails erkennt und euch schützen könnt. Betrüger ...