In 2024, there were 269 crashes in the county caused by drivers running a red light or stop sign, resulting in five deaths ...
Council staff and ETM contractors were supported by a huge police presence in Barton Hill, Bristol at 3am this morning to ...
Dane County law enforcement agencies are launching a focused effort to curb red-light and stop-sign violations from March 14 ...
To combat speeding, the city has introduced new stop signs to form safer driving habits and improve public safety.
On Monday, just after 3 a.m., a deputy was on US Highway 158 when a black pickup truck almost hit the deputy’s vehicle ...
Dane County law enforcement are urging drivers to reduce red-light and stop-sign running as part of a coordinated effort by the Law Enforcement Group of the Dane ...
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has installed stop signs at U.S. 24/Tuttle Creek Boulevard and Marlatt Avenue ...
When asked why she was speeding, the woman allegedly said she “was just having fun, could not afford to be on a racetrack and ...
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine say they’ve demonstrated that multicolored stickers applied to stop or ...
The Kansas Department of Transportation announced Monday is had installed stop signs at the intersection of US Highway 24 (Tuttle Creek Boulevard) and Marlatt Avenue in Manhattan, following a crash ...
A traffic light at the intersection of 14th Street South and 10th Avenue South, located in front of the University of Alabama at Birmingham ( ...
Councilman JP Lyninger confirmed to WAVE a resident’s request made back in July to add more stop signs was denied due to the “level of traffic volume.” ...