You can barely see the road from the heat coming off it … you reach down between your legs and ease the seat back … to get ...
Reports in Dutch newspaper say a new Van Halen album is happening with the Toto guitarist filling in for the late Eddie Van ...
Steve Vai was the guitar-playing sidekick for David Lee Roth in the late ’80s, appearing on the first two albums that the ...
Why David Lee Roth Told Eddie Van Halen to Play Fewer Solos Alex Van Halen says singer’s out-of-control jealousy led to his departure from the band in 1985. Martin Kielty ...
Uh-oh. Don’t look now, but another boomer rockstar is airing his dirty laundry in public. This time, Van Halen singer David Lee Roth posted some unhinged shit on his YouTube channel bitching about ...
Eddie Van Halen was synonymous with guitar mastery, but what was the longest solo he ever played on the six-string? Find out here.
David Lee Roth’s The Warner Recordings 1985-1994 debuts on two U.K. charts, marking his first solo appearance on the Official ...
Van Halen didn't start writing and recording ballads until Sammy Hagar joined the band following David Lee Roth's departure after the career-changing 1984 album. For better or worse, Hagar's ...
Eddie Van Halen had enough star power for one band, but he could secretly made one of the most progressive supergroup of the ...
5150' Best Post Van Halen Split Album - 'Eat 'Em and Smile' vs. '5150' After David Lee Roth's Van Halen exit, which artist had the better post-split album. Vote for either Roth's 'Eat 'Em and ...