The current generation of trading card games like Lorcana, Altered and Star Wars Unlimited tries to speed up game play and ...
When Final Fantasy 14’s 7.2 update — subtitled “Seekers of Eternity” — drops on March 25, it’ll bring with it all the flashy ...
Fly me to the moon. Final Fantasy 14's next big patch, 7.2, had both its release date trailer reveal and live letter ...
Square Enix has announced a crystal-shattering sales milestone for the Final Fantasy franchise. Worldwide, the RPG series has ...
The Gathering Final Fantasy card shows the set understands its source material by recreating a famous FF6 moment.
Magic: The Gathering" has finally unveiled its upcoming 'SpongeBob SquarePants' Secret Lair Drop - and they feel terrible.
The Tarkir Dragonstorm teaser includes a tantalizing possibility for a Dragon typal enchantment - so it's time to put my ...
The MTG Final Fantasy set is still quite a ways off, but we recently received word of a new Commander coming to the set.
Dragonstorm, looks like it may be a solution to the game's recent story issues. The quality of recent Magic sets hasn't ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device ...
Magic: The Gathering has dropped a new spoiler for the Final Fantasy crossover - a brand new card for Celes that's incredibly ...
With Wingspan heralded as one of the greats, and Wyrmspan absolutely nailing the feeling that comes along with a game about ...