People Can Fly - the developer of Outriders and Bulletstorm - has signed a deal with Sony Interactive Entertainment to work ...
People Can Fly and Sony Interactive Entertainment announced on March 13 a new partnership for the studio to produce a ...
Delta and Hughes Network Systems are in "complete alignment" as they roll out a new Hughes Fusion IFC product and integrate ...
Airlines project a decline in passengers. It’s spring-break season, and United Airlines expects it will carry a record number ...
King Cove residents argue that an 11-mile road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge — linking them to Cold Bay’s ...
Pete Koukov says that when his flight from Minneapolis was about to touch down in Toronto, everything seemed fine.
Cal Lutheran students, faculty, and staff will have a chance to compete against each other for the title of Boss ...
The School of Management lead a course that invited students to study in Spain. The School of Management recognized three ...