The city of Cleveland is now three months behind on payments to a nonprofit that helps cover the rent for low-income ...
Build-to-rent communities have grown nationwide as home ownership has gotten less affordable, but in the Philly region, they're not as popular.
The bill would prohibit landlords from raising a residential tenant’s rent and fees more than 7% in any 12-month period.
The situation at a Las Vegas condo complex has reached a fever pitch as one man attempts to buy every unit and rent them out ...
Experts warn that those caught could face a penalty of up to 200% of the misreported amount under Section 10(13A) of the ...
High home costs are driving people to live in communities of single-family homes that are built for rent. And problems at ...
Rooms in the historic building are a sought-after perk among Louisiana legislators. The Speaker of the House has proposed ...
Call it another quirk of New York City living. Though washers and dryers have been ubiquitous household items in most of the ...
Chris Ramos spent years cycling through room rentals and living in his van, all so he could one day afford a home of his own.
Manhattan’s luxury rents hit a record price per square in February. Last month, rents in the New York borough’s luxury sector ...
The Santa Clara Stadium Authority Board has just approved its $60.9 million operating and $18.6 million capital budgets for ...