Network and communications security is an important part of information security: a large portion of IT-related attacks are performed either using network connections or are directed at network ...
Digital signal processing is a basis for the development of new methods in areas such as telecommunications (mobile telephony), multimedia (MP3), medicine (ultrasound), sonar, seismic, remote sensing ...
Molecular microbiology in pathogenesis and evolution is an advanced level course within medical and pharmaceutical molecular microbiology. The course will give an overview in recent breakthroughs and ...
In this course, you will learn how understanding user needs provides a basis for design, and how prototypes and design suggestions can provide users with better basis for formulating their needs. You ...
The public school is a place not just for learning how to read and write, but a place where children and teenagers are socialized into what it means to be American. Indeed, the public school is a ...
We will develop an overview of the wider consequences of digital media - for our senses of selfhood, subjectivity and identity, as well as society more generally (including its cultural and political ...
The course gives an introduction to Radar Remote Sensing. You will learn about electromagnetic wave propagation and interaction with natural materials, like surface and volume scattering models. You ...
In this course, you learn about mathematical descriptions of stochastic systems, and how we can use information about the system, mathematical models as well as measurements, to estimate the state of ...
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Child Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Genetics, Medical Ethics, Behavioural Sciences, Public Health, and General Practice.
Det arrangeres utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester for studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen. Det arrangeres ny eksamen for studenter som ikke består ordinær eksamen.
Introduksjon av prosjektarbeid, veiledere, omfang og forventninger. Felles midtveispresentasjon og vurdering av hverandres prosjektarbeid. Avsluttende presentasjon med tilbakemelding og innlevering av ...
Studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen, kan ta utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester. Det tilbys ikke ny eksamen til studenter som har trukket seg under ordinær eksamen, ...