Despite all his success in the German-speaking world, Otto Schenk made his global career as an opera director. He staged his ...
Only a few public statements have been recorded from Norbert Nemeth. As a club director in the National Council, he is ...
The Vienna House of the Sea is delighted about the rare offspring of the smallest monkey species in the world.
The chairman of the partially state-owned electricity corporation Verbund, Michael Strugl, is calling on the future government to expand energy production from water, wind, and sun.
On Wednesday, a 28-year-old engaged in a wild car chase with the police in Carinthia. He reached speeds of up to 200 km/h and caused several accidents, resulting in damages. Four private vehicles and ...
SPÖ-Burgenland leader Hans Peter Doskozil has advocated for Andreas Babler to remain at the helm of the federal party.
One day left until the Alligatoah concert in the federal capital. The ARBÖ has already taken a look ahead in terms of the roads: "Many of his fans don't want to miss the chance to see their idol live, ...
On January 11th of this year, it will have been five years since the first death from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was registered in China.
The debtor's liquidity planning was "merely cursory, not audit-proof and by no means corresponding to the demands of a large company 'beer mat' calculations on record (in rudimentary Excel format)".
Austrian companies have the opportunity to receive a research premium of 14 percent of their investments for research and development. Last year, 2,506 companies, 80 percent of which were small and ...
Nach dem Tod von Otto Schenk würdigten Vertreter aus Kultur sowie Politik den Publikumsliebling als einen der größten ...
Following the death of Otto Schenk, representatives from culture and politics paid tribute to the audience favourite as one ...