Nature Research Intelligence Topics enable transformational understanding and discovery in research by categorising any document into meaningful, accessible topics. Read this blog to understand ...
At least five people have been shot at a school in the city of Örebro, central Sweden, according to police who said the danger was not over. Swedish police said Tuesday an operation is “ongoing ...
Armed police descended on the Risbergska School, an adult educational institute in the city of Örebro some 200 km (125 miles) west of Stockholm on Tuesday. "Five persons are confirmed shot ...
We still don't know how seriously they have been injured. Police issued a warning to people in the Västhaga area of Örebro to stay away from the area around the school, or, if they are already there, ...
Två personer har dött i en frontalkrock i Norra bro utanför Örebro. Vid 22.30 på lördagskvällen kom larm om att två personbilar kolliderat på Norrköpingsvägen söder om Brickebacken.
The suspected perpetrator is among the dead. A large number of people were injured after a gunman opened fire at a campus in the city of Örebro in central Sweden, according to Roberto Eid Forest ...
I Örebro finns flera kriminella gäng som är baserade i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Enligt polisen består de ofta av kompisgäng med ett ”löst ledarskap”, där medlemmarna vuxit upp ...
En man och en kvinna i 40-årsåldern dog i en frontalkrock söder om Örebro på lördagskvällen. Ytterligare en kvinna skadades allvarligt. Föraren till en av bilarna greps på sjukhus inatt. Senaste ...
Oh, sweet Canada Canada. I had long regarded nature as pretty much dormant in winter — and, from a distance, the naked trees and brown fields sure made it look that way. But now that I spend ...
What is the structure of our physical reality? Physicists have long imagined space and time interweaving into “space-time”, the metaphorical fabric that underlies the cosmos. But there may be ...
The walk continues around to Llangasty Point which is a protected nature reserve and a fantastic place to see a wide range of wildlife, including swifts, house martins, sand martins, coot and ...