He emphasizes how important it is for us to live out our faith ... every day. As a New Yorker, I have seen TOO many episodes of Judge Judy to know this to be true! I digress. The latter—a ...
Buddhists approach inconsistencies in sacred texts with discernment, contextual understanding and an emphasis on the ...
“You have the ability to not let anybody take your testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith away from you.” ‘If the work was true then, it is true today’ In our day, Elder Andersen ...
Now he became the guide and prophet of a tiny but growing national ... "There seems no hope," Du Bois told his readers, "that America in our day will yield in its color or race hatred any ...
This timeless document started when Joseph Smith, in response to a request for information about Latter-day Saint doctrines and history, wrote a letter to John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago ...
I supposed Him to exist only within the walls of a church—in fact, of our church—and I also supposed ... and danger one encountered every working day, all day long. The humiliation did not ...
Today, the 3rd Ramazan marks Yaum-e-Wisaal—the demise day of Sayyida Hazrat ... to reproduce my favorited poems and stories of Fatima Zahra (SA) from the beautiful book “Fatima’s Touch: Poems and ...
Now he became the guide and prophet of a tiny but growing national ... “that America in our day will yield in its color or race hatred any substantial ground.” Twenty-five years of NAACP ...
So who is the most influential Latter-day Saint in the sports world? You can be the judge of that. Here, then is our “certain-to-trigger-debate ... university founded in 1850 by Latter-day Saint ...
The Book of Mormon is the largest reason, with the power of the Holy Ghost, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is ... anybody take your testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith away ...