What are AI bots? AI bots are self-learning software that automates and continuously refines crypto cyberattacks, making them ...
Litwin says choosing software based on the price is the most common mistake they see in the security sector. Instead, it’s ...
The text may have urgent language or appear from a legitimate source. That's by design, and it could be to your detriment.
Malicious actors are using deepfake videos impersonating YouTube’s CEO to steal users’ credentials in a multi-month phishing campaign. The attackers sent private videos to targeted users via ...
In today’s digital age, where convenience is just a click away, the internet has become both our greatest ally and our most ...
Starting in December 2024, leading up to some of the busiest travel days, Microsoft Threat Intelligence identified a phishing ...
Microsoft said the ongoing phishing campaign is designed to infect hospitality firms with multiple credential-stealing ...
AI-powered cyber threats are reshaping security landscapes. Businesses that don't evolve will be vulnerable to increasingly ...
Crypto wallets store digital assets, but they also attract scammers. In 2024, crypto scams stole over $9.9 billion from ...
The Rice online directory was changed to be only accessible through a password protected site March 10. The directory contains names and contact information for faculty, staff, alumni and students, ...
This is the vector used by phishing attacks which are a type of cyber-attack that targets individuals through email, text messages, and even phone calls. There is no software involved, so malware ...