The $45 million diversity-focused program has so far provided 400 Burmese students—including Christian ethnic minorities—a chance to study away from conflict.
Early Anabaptists were passionate and effective evangelists. Their message of personal transformation through Jesus Christ ...
Also, Storyville tells the story of China's Falun Gong and The Bay concludes its investigations ...
The prominent right-wing pastor told state lawmakers that an anti-communist curriculum is crucial to reaffirming that America ...
Scopes was arrested on May 9 and the trial started July 10. The Scopes trial became sensational largely because it brought ...
Martin Marty, an eminent church historian, prolific chronicler and interpreter of religion and its role in public life, died ...
You may not realize it, but the two seemingly separate viewpoints of our natural world provided by science and the Bible may ...
The conflict-ridden Middle East is affecting geopolitics, particularly because developments there suggest a convergence ...
Trump's cuts to the Department of Education are part of a nearly long crusade by conservative Christian groups.
A Christian school cited the Bible as its reason to compete against ... While we may not agree with or support the transgender movement, we firmly believe in the biblical call to love our ...
Critics say the school chaplaincy movement is an attempt to evangelize to students in public schools ... teaching of the Ten Commandments and the Bible in public school classrooms.