At the hospital, you’ll find Blue Glass Studios, an in-house TV station offering fun and entertaining programs, interviews, interactive games with prizes, music appearances from their music ...
However, VEEB Projects over at YouTube has put together a really cool transparent display using an optical illusion and a glass dome. This isn't the first Raspberry Pi project we've covered that ...
Photo: Sarah Bridge The public is being encouraged to bring their used glass bottles and jars to recycling depots as glass recycling returns to Grand Cayman after a more than two-year break.
If you ask anyone in your circle how many reusable water bottles they have, chances are they own at least two (and probably a third hiding in a cabinet somewhere). And it’s even more likely they ...
The designs for many beers and soft drinks were exactly the same: dark brown glass with thin necks, and very little separating them except for their colourful labels. "The same bottles were being ...
One company, Beta Glass, is responsible for 70 per cent of these bottles. Founded 51 years ago, in 1974, Beta Glass has become an undisputed market leader, servicing many beverage and pharmaceutical ...