Prospective homeowners in Somerset need to earn over £55,000 a year in order to be able to afford the average home. Homes ...
Surrey is also home to the area, outside London, with the biggest gap between the average wage and the amount needed to but a ...
Prospective homeowners in Plymouth need to earn almost £43,000 a year in order to be able to afford the average home. Homes ...
Vogue Williams gave listeners of the Netmums podcast a glimpse into her relationship with Spencer Matthews, revealing that a ...
The shortfall between the average salary needed to buy the average home in an area and the average salary of someone living in that area varies across the country ...
The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) has announced that grant awards totaling more than $3.7 million have been awarded to the communities of Chelsea, Duncombe, Fort Madison, Lawler, McGregor ...
In her new book, “I’ll Have What She’s Having,” the comedian dishes on life lessons, breakups and being denied a tryst with ...
BURGLARY hotspots in England and Wales where thousands of homes are broken into every month have been revealed. The Sun has ...
Jay spent the weekend at Fantasticon alongside Mark Pillow (Nuclear Man from Superman IV) and met some of the biggest stars ...
Rising prices for materials are driving up costs for public works and commercial construction, forcing developers to delay or ...