Goodspeed Musicals will present Ragtime as its first production of the 2025 season, starring Mamie Parris and more. Learn ...
One of the most anticipated shows is BOOP! This all-new Broadway show tells the story of Betty Boop with music, choreography, and direction from an all-star lineup! Add an insane cast and it is a ...
Every year, a select group of NYU students who approach modern and classical theater text delivers a performance of a ...
English was never formally designated as the national language until now — the United States never had an official language ...
Hamid Rahmanian has made it his life’s work to share the richness of Iranian culture. “Song of the North,” at the New Victory Theater, is just the latest installment.
The opera, which marries the music of Antonio Vivaldi with a new libretto by Sarah Ruhl, was still on solid ground musically ...
A program celebrating Twyla Tharp’s 60th year making dances features the masterwork “Diabelli” and the fresh new “Slacktide,” ...
For the Savannah St. Patrick's Day Parade initiated and uninitiated this selection of songs can help you set the tone for the ...
Nathan Shepherd & Emily Pilbeam sit in: Youth Lagoon chats about his new album Nathan & Emily hear from Youth Lagoon about his new album 'Rarely Do I Dream' New Album Fix with the Manic Street ...
BUFFALO, N.Y. — There's no shortage of places to find music, but sometimes it can be tough to keep track of which artists are coming to Western New York. That's why 2 On Your Side will keep ...
Mr. Chiaramonte was an investigative reporter and producer at Fox News, a correspondent for the New York Post, and a news editor for the Messenger.
While drama dragged on during the group date, Juliana Pasquarosa, a 28-year-old contestant from Newton, Massachusetts, stayed out of the drama and in a castle on a fairytale date with Ellis.