The show turned "Kiss my grits" into a catchphrase and co-starred Polly Holliday as waitress Flo and Vic Tayback as the gruff owner and head chef of Mel's Diner. The series bounced around the CBS ...
Lavin died due to complications from recently discovered lung cancer, her rep told Eyewitness News. Starting in 1976, Lavin famously starred in "Alice" for nine seasons, earning an Emmy nomination ...
Linda Lavin, a Tony Award-winning stage actor who became a working class icon as a paper-hat wearing waitress on the TV ...
Linda Lavin, a Tony Award-winning actress who appealed to television viewers as a working-class waitress on the television ...
Linda Lavin, star of CBS’ long-running sitcom “Alice” and a Tony winner for Neil Simon’s play “Broadway Bound” who remained ...
The Alice TV series is a beloved sitcom that originally aired on CBS from August 31, 1976, to March 19, 1985. It gained popularity for its portrayal of working-class life in Phoenix, Arizona.