The animated series introduces a branched timeline, reimagining Peter Parker’s origin while weaving in key MCU references.
The latest Marvel Animation effort hones in on a new version of the web-slinger albeit without spending too much time recounting familiar events.
Explore MCU's top-grossing films ahead of Captain America's new release. Avengers: Endgame leads at $2.7B, followed by Spider-Man & Black Panther hits.
Was Tom Cruise the safer bet, or would the MCU have lacked the heart and complexity that Robert Downey Jr. brought to the ...
The wall-crawler's latest animated outing has some fun moments and well-written characters, but ultimately shies away from ...
So, it appears, Cumberbatch's neurosurgeon-turned-Sorcerer Supreme will not return in the May 2026 film. Although ...
Here's what you need to know to keep the Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man canon straight -- and how it lines up with the MCU.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is another entry into the franchise, though it’s a surprisingly fresh take on a familiar hero.
There are a couple of main ways to approach an MCU rewatch though if you want to have some sense of order. You can either ...
Avengers: Doomsday is coming sooner than you think, and I've found the Marvel comic you need to read first before seeing the new MCU movie.
Norman Osborn has arrived in the MCU, but I wasn't expecting him to embody the role of Iron Man in his Spider-Man story quite ...
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Hudson Thames) and Harry Osborn (Zeno Robinson) in Marvel Animation's YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD ...