Though he worked steadily into the second decade of this century, Joe Flaherty ... Tall and good looking, Flaherty — American, born in Pittsburgh — was as close to a conventional leading ...
Joe Flaherty, the actor and comedian known for his work as Harold Weir on Freaks and Geeks and his several years as a writer and star of SCTV, has died. He was 82. Flaherty's daughter, Gudrun ...
Actor, writer and comedian Joe Flaherty, who was best known for his work on the sketch show SCTV and Freaks and Geeks, passed away at the weekend, his daughter Gudrun, who had been caring for him ...
TORONTO (AP) — Comedian Joe Flaherty, a founding member of the Canadian sketch series “SCTV,” has died. He was 82. His daughter Gudrun said Tuesday that Flaherty died Monday following a ...