The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
Arkhamverse Batman, who was previously executed by Harley Quinn in a hugely controversial plot turn, shows up in the finale ...
The DC animated universe wasn't afraid to make things more mature and some of the best examples came in its R-rated movies.
The final update for Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League has confirmed a major twist: Batman never actually died.
The cutscene is narrated by Harley Quinn, who tells the story of how she and the Suicide Squad entered Brainiac's lair only ...
There are tons of DC Comics stories that are well deserving of an animated movie or series ranging from stories that search ...
Kill the Justice League season four, episode eight, lie ahead. As you'd expect, given it's likely now viewed as a problem ...
Kill The Justice League has released its final piece of content, ending its troubled saga with an appropriately low quality ...
Rocksteady has released the final piece of content for its beleaguered live-service game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice ...
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League just brought its fourth and final season to a close, with an ending cutscene that ...