When the rock band broke up in 1987 after five tumultuous years, it set the bereft teen on the journey towards filling the ...
The Keg N’ Cork has had only three owners in those 50 years. Terry Smart had it for the first 27, Mitch Rautio for the next ...
From dereliction in the '80s and '90s to a trendy neighbourhood that could be a model as Cork’s 15-minute city, Ellie O’Byrne ...
Taylor previously said about her private life: "I’m always such a quiet person anyway. I always keep myself to myself and don ...
Joe Collard recently shared these three pictures with me. I was interested in learning about these 8-by-10 black-and-white ...
Sam Blake's 'The Killing Sense' is fresh and thrilling and the short chapters will make you want to read just a couple more ...
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