After Jordan and Egypt rejected the relocation of Palestinians to their countries, some African territories are now under ...
Arab countries reject Gaza displacement as ethnic cleansing, but Israeli officials say they are working on plans to make it ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the launch of a large-scale counterterrorist operation in the vicinity of ...
Israel’s expansionist ambitions continue to drive the erasure of Palestine, raising the critical question: Can the US and ...
Part Biblical myth part Zionist delusion, the idea of a belligerent Greater Israel is the Zionist strategy, and also its last ...
As Israel remains deadlocked with Hamas over key issues, Gaza’s future after the war ends appears no closer to a resolution.
International law, historical grievances, and failed peace efforts keep Israel-Palestine trapped in unending conflict ...
The Lahore Literary Festival ended the season of cultural festivals this spring with sessions on history,Partition and ...
‘The scattered Jews should have a national centre, and where else but in Palestine?’ In March 1921, twenty six years before the The United Nations General Assembly voted to partition Palestine, Mr.
The pursuit of self-determination and national democracy is the essential international struggle of our time: The right of nations to make their own laws, decide their relations with other nations, ...
The UN came into being, passing the partition plan for Palestine in 1947. Israel declared independence, with the UN’s ex post facto blessing. The UN Trusteeship Council overseeing Palestine ...