Ryan Mason, who was a bombardier and served in the Core Engagement Team (CET) with Gunner Beck at the time, sent thousands of Whatsapp messages to her in the months before her death, the Salisbury ...
Former Royal Artillery bombardier Ryan Mason declined to answer some questions at the inquest into the death of Gunner Jaysley Beck. Royal Artillery Gunner Jaysley Beck was found dead at Larkhill ...
A detective who investigated the death of Gunner Jaysley Beck said that the allegations against her manager Bombardier Ryan Mason, who has left the Army, did not meet the criminal threshold.
Salisbury Coroners’ Court has heard how she received thousands of messages from Ryan Mason, who was a bombardier, in the months leading up to her death. He is alleged to have booked and paid for ...
A coroner heard of the “possessive and psychotic” behaviour of Bombardier Ryan Mason, sending her 4,600 WhatsApp messages - but also her claims Battery Sergeant Major (BSM) Michael Webber ...
Mr Rheinberg said Gunner Beck had faced the failure of superior officers to take action over the “barrage” of messages sent by her manager Ryan Mason and the failure to fully investigate ...
He also told the inquest how Gunner Beck was under pressure from her supervisor Ryan Mason, who was a bombardier, who caused “drama” when she was deployed with other soldiers. The inquest ...
The Salisbury inquest heard the 19-year-old had complained to her family about the “possessive and psychotic” behaviour of her boss, Ryan Mason, a bombardier at the time. The hearing was told ...