Hawaii's Kilauea volcano began spewing volcanic activity this week for its 9th time with no injuries or damage reported.
The high-walled city of Harar is spectacularly lined with a plethora of mosques and ancient buildings – 99 mosques and ...
Kilauea volcano is shooting lava into the air once again in Hawaii. Kilauea on the Big Island of Hawaii is one of the world’s ...
Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, has been erupting on and off for nearly two months since it burst to life ...
The earthquakes are occurring near two active volcanoes, Fentale and Dofen, heightening the risk of additional natural ...
In response to the recent earthquake in Ethiopia, the European Union has allocated €200,000 in humanitarian aid to help ...
The continent’s landscape is evolving as large tectonic plates shift. Eventually, the Eastern countries will separate from ...
With the formation of this ocean, Africa's map will be redrawn, and its ecosystem will undergo demographic changes.
In 2018, the side of the Anak Krakatau volcano collapsed in a powerful eruption and produced a tsunami that killed hundreds ...
Lying deep in the African desert sits the colourful and supersaturated hot springs of the world's 'hottest' town.
Ethiopia is grappling with an escalating seismic crisis as a series of earthquakes linked to the East African Rift raises ...
A truly remarkable quirk of the natural world - this volcano lights up the night sky in an iridescent blue when its sulphuric ...