But that’s not always how serious illness plays out. Children who need to be on ventilators, have tracheostomies or ...
California is experiencing an increase in cases of whooping cough (also known as pertussis), a highly contagious bacterial ...
Across the U.S., the rate of whooping cough in 2024 was more than 400 percent higher than in 2023, with more than 35,000 cases.
Rates of pertussis in the United States are surging, with more than 32,000 cases reported as of mid-December -- about s ...
The CDC said that cases of whooping cause increased across the United States, which indicated a return to more typical ...
Rates of whooping cough in the U.S. continue to climb, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
According to Dr. Hawkinson, some areas of the country are also seeing higher cases of norovirus. Add in whooping cough, walking pneumonia and bird flu, you may find yourself getting sick and unsure of ...
Cases of whooping cough have exploded to over 32,000 in 2024. Here's what you need to know about this serious illness and how ...
Whooping cough (pertussis) activity in California is on the rise, with more than 2,000 reported cases and one infant death ...
California is seeing a rise in cases of whooping cough, a highly contagious bacterial disease that can cause severe illness, ...
State health officials are calling on residents, especially pregnant women and those who care for infants, to have an updated Tdap vaccination as cases of whooping cough increase in California.
Protection against pertussis from the childhood vaccine, DTaP, decreases over time. Older children and adults, including pregnant women, should get a pertussis booster shot called Tdap to help ...