The infringements were the first by Russia in five years, according to the Japanese defense ministry. A fighter fired a ...
The Russian aircraft intruded three times and ignored radio warnings, prompting flares from Japan’s self defense aircrafts.
Japanese fighter jets fired warnings flares against a Russian military aircraft that Tokyo said repeatedly entered the ...
Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara told reporters that the Russian Il-38 plane breached Japan’s airspace above Rebun ...
Japan's defense minister said the use of flares was a legitimate response to airspace violation and "we plan to use it ...
Japan scrambled fighter jets after a Russian Il-38 plane entered Japanese airspace on Sept. 23. Japan used flares after the ...
Tokyo's defense ministry said the Russian surveillance plane violated its airspace repeatedly on Monday. China violated its ...
Japan's Defense Ministry said Monday that a Russian military aircraft violated the country's airspace three times, prompting ...
Japanese jet fighters fired warning flares at a Russian military reconnaissance plane that violated Japan’s airspace, the ...
A Russian IL-38 patrol aircraft violated Japanese airspace off Hokkaido’s Rebun island three times, with the ASDF firing ...
TOKYO -- A Russian military patrol aircraft violated Japanese airspace off the northernmost main island of Hokkaido three ...
Japan lodged a “very serious protest” with Moscow after a Russian patrol plane entered its airspace three times, the defence ...