Maharashtra Minister Uday Samant has asked the makers of Chhaava to consult historians before its release. He raised concerns ...
The movie is directed by Laxman Utekar. In a conversation with ANI, he said, "The director met Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) Chief Raj Thackeray today and after the meeting, he decided to remove ...
Chaava director Laxman Utekar confirmed that he will be removing the scenes showing Sambhaji Maharaj performing the Lezim ...
Homeland Security and local law enforcement visited five Gurdwaras in New York and New Jersey to search for undocumented ...
Following objections from Maharashtra minister Uday Samant, director Laxman Utekar decided to remove a dance scene featuring Vicky Kaushal from Chhaava.
He further added, "Our position is that the producers and directors of the film should take immediate action in this regard ...