A stellar season recently took the Newark Area Special Olympics men’s basketball team all the way to Ohio State. Newark ...
ESPN's Debbie Antonelli shoots thousands of free throws and makes almost all of them to support Special Olympics. Why?
Polar Plunges are taking place across the state to raise money for the Special Olympics Ohio. The Indian Lake plunge ...
The Miami County Special Olympics basketball season came to a close Tuesday night with its final game, but it wasn’t without ...
Canton Council 341 Knights of Columbus gave honors to three first responders during Blue Mass on St. Patrick's Day.
Special Olympics Indiana - Ripley Ohio Dearborn Counties will host Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on Sunday, April 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at South Ripley Elementary School in Versailles. The ...
Wisconsin women's hockey coach Mark Johnson was in his hotel room in Bemidji, Minnesota, on Feb. 22, when his phone buzzed at around 5:30 a.m. Jack O'Callahan, Johnson's teammate on the 1980 U.S.
Watauga County Special Olympics athlete Trenton D’Agostino has won two gold medal at the Special Olympics World Winter Games ...